Netaway Global Logistics & Transport Services Trading Limited makes sure that you can store various goods in a flexible manner and optimally depending on their features. It helps you get rid of a fixed storage cost , as the storage areas you use will change as the amount of products to be stored changes. You will not have to employ a permanent and fixed team or make storage and equipment investments for storage and stock management.
During the delivery of your materials and products, many details from the insurance of the storage of your products in compliance with its features to the storage thereof in the right place have a great role in the delivery of the product to your customer in a fast manner and a manner that meets the needs of your customers.
As Netaway Global Logistics & Transport Services Trading Limited, we provide you with system, human resources and equipment support at all the stages from the reception of your goods, delivery thereof to the customer, management of the material need planning to stocktaking and management reporting.
- All the storage and storehouse services.